organizational Development

The pivotal premise of organizational development is that organizations are social systems. 

One of our QEC goals is to be the change we wish to see in the world through our intentionality to be holographic in our ways of conducting business or being in alliance with people and the planet that purpose-driven prosperity models elevate. Here are a few ways to accelerate the pivot to achieving this: diverse cultural vitality, social equity, and environmental sustainability models. 

The framework is to increase an organization's viability with its company culture and overall performance while enriching its members' lives with intentionality and the foresight of interdependence with integrity as a guiding principle. 

We encourage and inform you how to incorporate the feminine and the masculine into the how-to of decision-making, guiding the vision for discerning feasibility and functionality and workflow that stems from the passion and drive to carry out the business concept.

Proof of Concept 

  • Dissect, Discern, Distill Down, and a Distinctive & Qualitative essence of the vision

  • Clarity regarding the mission, vision, purpose, and values

  • Envision the business acumen that will enable the integrity of the core purpose to thrive

Project Planning

  • Identifying phases of implementation to strategies for organizational structures and systems 

  • "Climate of Culture" generating Cultural Vitality

  • Practices that mirror the Values and Purpose

Conscious and Compassionate Capitalism Methodology

  • Diverse, Inclusive, and Multigenerational decision-making in shared ownership

  • Embracing Leadership holistically influences the culture of staff, board members, volunteers, and stakeholders

  • Environmental Sustainability employing procurement practices, transitional strategies, to SDGs

  • Circular Economy concepts and innovation

  • Principles of Equity/Sustainability in investment, sponsorship, and day to day operations of consumerism

  • An embodiment of a heart-centered approach to conducting business (relationships to ALL creatures and beings on Mother Earth) that balances both the essence of the feminine and masculine attributes of oneself

Change Management 

  • Craft a Plan for Elevating through Change

  • Resilience Development

  • Effective Communication through developing emotional intelligence

Process Consulting

  • Delving in and analyzing the processes and systems that a business implements

  • Providing recommendations to improve these processes and practices with an eye for an inherent means to improving overall efficiency and prosperity

Organizational Savvy (ways of change) can be either adaptive or transformational.

Change Management is the process of guiding organizational change to fruition, from the earliest stages of conception and preparation, through distilling down the overarching purpose by implementation and, finally, to resolution. Change Management may include company culture, internal processes, underlying technology or infrastructure, leadership style, certifications and quality standards, or another critical aspect.

Craft a Plan for Elevating through Change

  • Change Management Models - provide a supporting process that can apply to your organization or personal growth

  • Change Management Processes - include a sequence of steps or methodology that move a change from inception to delivery

  • Change Management Plans - are developed to support a project, endeavor, or vision to deliver a difference 

Businesses must continuously evolve and adapt to meet various challenges—from changes in technology, procurement, and transportation, to a shift in laws, regulations, or underlying economic trends and environmental impacts of raw materials' availability in the commodity markets. Before delving into logistics, cultural preparation must first take place. For an entrepreneur or organization to successfully pursue and implement change, it must be prepared to apply both logistically and culturally. In short, the discernment and thus the embodiment of internal brand awareness.

Essentially Organizational Development serves as an umbrella to Change Management and Process Consulting methodologies.

Our approach to Process Consulting is rooted in guiding the client through bridging the core values of the business or organizations' model and the dynamics of the Leadership, Management, and organizational culture and its relationships from acumen, outsourcing, and suppliers to vendors and stakeholders through the lens of interpersonal interaction analysis. Process Consulting allows for the ability for facilitation and coaching on areas recognized that could become more aligned from the root of the purpose of the means of being in business as it sets the foundation for all processes and systems created to support and optimize workflows, including the journey to get to the vision.

Process Consulting is instrumental when applied to the incubation stages, even to those looking to refine the functionality and current ways of doing business. It also elevates established companies ready to take their organizational effectiveness based on ethics and standards to the next level by way of environmental, consumer, and social archetypes.
