Our passion is offering organizational savvy to Visionaries & Grassroots Organizations who wish to be change agents for a more ethical future. We focus on eco-conscious, integral event services, holistic sustainability consulting, zero waste, pr…


Our passion is offering organizational savvy to Visionaries & Grassroots Organizations who wish to be change agents for a more ethical future. We focus on eco-conscious, integral event services, holistic sustainability consulting, zero waste, pr…
Congruency can take many forms, but in essence, you are congruent when your beliefs match up with your everyday actions and your spiritual practice.
— Caroline Myss



Our Mission

At Quantum Essence, our mission is to nurture ethical methods of conducting business and event planning that serve as a driving force for today's world needs.




Our Focus

Our passion is in offering organizational savvy to visionaries and grassroots organizations who wish to be change agents for a more ethical and heart-centered future. We facilitate building a bridge from an initial vision to the creation of a sustainable business model that is congruent with the moral integrity of our clients. By envisioning and modeling new ways of doing business and event planning we foster compassionate capitalism and sustainable, humane practices.

“Our clients are often visionaries or grassroots organizations committed to a cause and who want to produce an event or creative concept. We help clients map out a strategy for creating that organization: the steps to take to build a structure to support their cause, event, organization or company goals. We help weave their deeply held values into the fabric of the organization.”

—Brandi-Tyann, Creatrix, Quantum Essence Consulting